Peter Rhett chooses his friends carefully. I feel lucky to know him, I feel lucky to be his friend. He has given me so much I can't put the words together to thank him enough. When I was unable to care for my dog I called him up and asked him if he would be kind enough to look after her, he said a resounding yes, no questions asked other than "when can I come and pick her up?" Why am I so lucky to have a close friend like Peter?
July 4th, 2009 he drove from Virginia to Boston and we then headed to Algonquin Park Canada to do a week of camping together with my son and I. Pete has been to Algonquin at least 20+ times and enjoys nature and the solitude there. He also knows about every plant and animal we had questions for. He is a pure naturalist and truly takes care of the environment. He put us on the most beautiful lakes and we saw two black bears, 2 Mooses, Loons and several other critters, he goes where the animals live.
Peter is well read, super smart, super funny and a super guy, and fun to be around. He is a super great master of dogs, don't be surprised if your dog gravitates to him more than you, he speaks their language and takes awesome care of them. He also has a heart a gold, I learn a lot around Peter, "I love you Super Brother're my life long friend." Jim Peake.
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