Ed Hackney holding down the fort at the IBM Chess Event in 1997 Kasparov vs. Deep Blue. Glad to say Garry Kasparov kicked IBM's ass in the first round. :-) Now he is kicking butt and taking names in Russia.
I met Ed when I was at K2 Design in New York City. Not only was he the youngest person in the company he might have been the smartest too. One thing about Ed, he loved to learn. He was and still is like a sponge, always asking great questions always learning and he is self taught and put himself through college, nothing lazy about Ed.
Ed and I worked on many projects together. He had the best attitude in the company and was always offering solutions. One thing Ed said many years ago still sticks with me today, "Jim some of the best management training you'll ever get will be working at McDonald's." I believe Ed worked there before he worked at KPMG and then K2. I'd love to work with Ed again. How can I work with more great people like Ed?
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