Monday, August 8, 2011

Wholesale Food Prices - $5.00 loaves of bread are going to seem like a steal

While the wholesale food price of bread is not $5.00 per loaf it sure is creeping up in that direction. As of today August 8th, 2011 the day of the -636 point drop on the DJIA bread is selling for over $5.00 per loaf on some of the more non designer loaves in Whole Foods here in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Remember this day because a year or two from now $5.00 will seem like a steal.

I have a friend in Waterbury, CT who delivers gourmet frozen foods to customers and his number 1 complaint is the price of fuel. At least today the price per barrel of oil dropped to about $80.00/ per barrel.

If you live in Connecticut he is running a special on his home delivery food business at 4 Seasons Gourmet by giving away a free key lime pie a $25.00 value for every order over $100.00. Let me tell you his foods are restaurant quality and awesome!

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