Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jack Coffou - He Left the World a Better Place

Jack Coffou was as good as a friend as you could find any where. Think about it. When you have to move your house how many friends say YES? Most of them head for the hills including family. Not Jack. He headed down to New Jersey with me and we then drove my stuff back to Boston. Jack gave his unconditional love to his family and everyone around him.

Jack always went through life with a big smile on his face. I've never seen him down, not once. He and I were in the web printing business in Chicago for many years. Both of us became print brokers around the same time. We both felt that we could offer our clients more be giving them more solutions than just one printing shop. The press runs we got into were web runs and big volumes. (Think Junk Mail)

Just this past week I learned that Jack had passed away from a massive heart attack. For me this was a huge shock, he was a big strong man. A bigger shock was he passed away almost two years ago. Shame on me for not keeping in touch. However I had a lot of my own stuff going on at the time.

Bewildered and perplexed and sad I could not say good by to my comrade I searched the internet and found a really short sweet clip of Jack. He left me with one more laugh. Thanks Jack! I love you.

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