I met a guy named Ron. He was sitting in a corner office on Spear St. in San Francisco and it was loaded with books and a surfboard. He was the "wizard," the oracle of invention. His invention "SomethingNow.com" Yup you heard that right he is the brains behind Something Now, not Something Later but Something NOW! WTF is that?
I'm like saying to myself what is this guy doing that affords him the Chairmanship of this high flying Dot.Com? He must be doing something right? He was and is. Ron is a people's person. And he gets stuff done. And not only does it get done, it gets done to perfection, marketing plans, business models, contracts, business plans, you name it Ron can do it.
In my Internet travels he is one of a kind, and a kind man too. He knows when to push and when not to. I love working with Ron. His sense of humor has multiple levels and when we get going on humor it can descend very quickly, I mean super fast...making Eddie Murphy a choir boy.
Ron and his lovely wife Andrea are moving to Indonesia. WTF, Ron....what's over there that is not over here? I mean you might be closer to Jim Rogers the Investment Biker Dude but why the pull to Indonesia? Listen, I hope you have a great journey. We'll still be in touch via SKYPE and GTALK, probably more so.
The glass is always half full with Ron, this toast is for you buddy! Safe Travels. Can you say Go Ron Go?